Catholic Social Teaching
You are not making a gift of your possessions to the poor person. You are handing over to them what is theirs.
Saint Ambrose (340-397 AD)
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching underpins the essence of our daily school life. As members of the Catholic Church, we are all called upon to preserve the dignity of all human beings, to care for creation, and to reach out to our sisters and brothers in need. Embedded within our Catholic ethos, educational curriculum and golden rules are the nine principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
We believe every human person is made in the image and likeness of God. This is a gift that we all share as fellow human beings; we are all infinitely loved by our Creator.
The Common Good
The common good means that the fruits of the earth belong to everyone. No one should be excluded from the gifts of creation.
Work is an essential part of our human dignity and everyone has the right to participate.
We are called to empower communities, to let everyone have a say.
In the first pages of the Bible we read how God created the sun and the stars, the water and earth, and every creature. We believe Christ is the redeemer of all creation. We are guardians of God’s creation, living sustainably and enhancing the wellbeing of our planet.
Solidarity arises when we remember that we belong to each other. We reflect on this in a special way at Mass. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “The Eucharist commits us to the poor. To receive in truth the Body and Blood of Christ given up for us, we must recognise Christ in the poorest.”
Option for the Poor
The option for the poor reminds us of God’s preferential love for the poorest and most vulnerable people. God’s love is universal; he does not side with oppressors, but loves the humble.
Distributive Justice
Everyone should have access to their fair share of resources.
Peace is a cornerstone of our faith. Christ, the Prince of Peace, sacrificed himself with love on the cross.