Parish Links
We are proud to belong to the Parish of St. Simon Stock, where we celebrate Whole School Masses and Liturgies with the children, both in Church and in school.
Father Pawel
St Simon Stock Catholic Church
The Presbytery
Bleakwood Road
Tel: 01634 862910
Fax: 01634 311456
Please feel free to come along, everyone is made to feel welcome.
Our Parish is primarily a place of worship. The very centre of our prayer is Jesus Christ whose Eucharist we celebrate nearly every day.
Listed below are the times of our weekly Masses and Services.
Masses are celebrated as follows:
Saturday 6.00 pm
Sunday 9.00 am & 11.00 am
Monday 10.00 am Mass
Tuesday 10.00 am Mass
Wednesday 10.00 am Mass
2pm – 10pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursday 10.00 am Mass
Friday 8.00 pm Mass
Holy Days of Obligation:
8.00 pm Vigil Mass
10.00 am Morning Mass
8.00 pm Evening Mass
Reconciliation (Confession) is available on
Friday from 7.15 pm -7.45 pm
Saturday from 5.15 pm – 5.45 pm
The Parish have started a ‘children’s orchestra’ to play at Mass, in St Simon’s, on the first Sunday of each month. If there are any children who play an instrument and would like to get involved, please contact Martin Smith on 07857 626180 or Josie Ryder at the presbytery on 01634 862910. We also need singers and children to play some percussion instruments, so please come along and join in.
Parish Website: