DT Curriculum

DT Curriculum Overview

Design technology (DT) at St Thomas More Catholic Primary School is taught to be in line with the National Curriculum programme of study for design technology (2014) and the Development Matters (2021) within the Expressive Arts and Design area of learning.
Our aim is to provide a high-quality design technology education to ensure that all pupils develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world.

“As soon as I was old enough to peer over the worktops, I remember being fascinated by what went on in the kitchen. It just seemed such a cool place, everyone working together to make this lovely stuff and having a laugh doing it.” - Jamie Oliver

Art and DT Week 

Throughout the week the children were asked to research and recreate famous buildings. They used various skills which included:

  • Sketching
  • Researching your building
  • Having a go at architectural drawings
  • Creating sculptures/constructions of buildings
  • Looking at Artist representations of the building and creating your own
  • Making comparisons of other buildings
  • Printing/painting in different ways- linked to building patterns
DT Curriculum: 3III Statement
DT Curriculum: Skills Ladder
DT Curriculum Drivers