Chaplaincy Team

The Chaplaincy Team is made up of one child from each class from Year One to Year Six, known as 'The Beacons'.

We meet weekly with the RE Coordinators. One week we meet and discuss how to maintain the faith of the school and one of us volunteers to lead our meetings with a prayer or a thought for the day. The next week we hold Bible Story meetings. Children from all year groups come and read the Bible in a quiet space or listen to some of our Beacons read to them. We continue this pattern every other week throughout the year.

Our role is the following:

To help the school to be a community of faith.

To encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living.

To develop good relationships within and beyond the school community.

To support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school.

To involve pupils in fundraising for charities.

To continue to develop strong links with the Parish.

To support the school in its Mission Statement.

We have lots of ideas of how we can fulfil our roles. Here are some of them:

Organise various charity fund-raising events.

Suggest ideas for RE resources.

Help to lead assemblies.

Work with other Chaplaincy Teams.

Promote bible stories.

Maintain our Prayer Area.

We have also thought of how we can work together. The following are our five top tips to help us be a successful Chaplaincy Team.

Listen to each other’s ideas.

Communicate with all the team members, school and parish.

Encourage everyone when making decisions, to share their ideas and to try their best.

Include everyone when making decisions.

Lead by example, love everyone especially people you don’t get on with.

If you have any ideas that you wish to share with us then please let us know.

The Beacons revealed our Lenten charity mission to the school in our assembly. We are raising money with the Catholic Children’s society for those around the world who are less fortunate than us. As Lent is a time where we think of how we can give to other, during the 40 days and nights children will be able to fill up their Lenten boxes with any money to help those in need. For more information on how your donations will be used see their website.

On Sunday the 12th of November we, as a nation, will commemorate and show respect to all those who fought on behalf of our country during the First World War and subsequent wars.
We take time to reflect and pray for those who have died and all the veterans that came home.
We as Beacons, wished to create a prayer to show our appreciation and love for those on Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday.
 Please bow your heads in silence as we pray.

Remembrance Day Prayer

Dear God,

 We thank you for all of the brave militants that fight and sacrifice their lives for us in wars.

Please pray for the people who have and are experiencing conflict around the world.

Help and guide us to live in peace by following your commandments.

Thank you for being our protector and saviour.

Let us remember all who have lost their dads, brothers and family members to war.

Eternal rest granted unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


The Beacons set up a competition to draw a Nativity scene across the school to try and promote the true meaning of Christmas, The birth of Jesus. They were overwhelmed with the number of entries but managed to pick a winner from each year group and their Nativity scenes were then shared around the school and in the newsletter. 

T3 WK 6 Beacon Minutes
T3 Wk4 Beacon Minutes
T3 WK 2 Beacon Minutes
T2 WK 4 Beacon Minutes
T2 WK 2 Beacon Minutes
T2 WK 1 Beacon Minutes
Bible Story Club